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I am starting my 7th year of teaching and I can't believe it. This will be my 4th year in first grade I am excited to start implementing the common core standards this year.

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Clutter-Free Classroom
First Grade Glitter and Giggles

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reply Button Doesn't Work??

Ok I am new at this so I know this is probably something I've done to screw something up but when someone leaves a comment the reply button won't let me reply to them. Y'all have said such wonderful things and I really want to talk to you but I can't figure out what to do? Is there anyone out there that has a solution to this problem?


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How Do You Plan & Clipart Giveaways


Today I am linking up with Jessica Stanford over at Mrs. Standford's Class for an Erin Condren giveaway!! And I am so excited I've eyed some of Erin Condren's products for a while now but never bought any so maybe this will be my chance to finally purchase something!!

So today's linky is all about how do you plan? I do all my plans on the computer because I like to have them backed up from year to year or in case something happens. Usually I then print them and put them in a lesson plan binder but this year I am going to try just pulling them up on the computer again. When it comes to actually doing plans this year I am working with two different teams. I am working with all of the first grade teachers across the district (or at least most of us) to plan the actual curriculum and then I am working with 1st - 3rd in my building to plan the implementation of Daily 5 in reading and math. So once I get everything I am doing in a set routine then I will create a template on the computer and each week sit down and plug in the activities, standards, and objectives for the week.

I also wanted to let you know there is this great giveaway going on!


I could really use some great clip art to get me motivated this year!! But head on over and get registered!
Now I'm off to do more organization!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for August Currently
Listening - the Olympics on t.v.
Loving - seeing my friends at work (we always plan to get together over the summer and never do)
Thinking - of all the things I need to do in my classroom
Wanting - the Sisters to release a Daily 5 math book now so I can figure out what I'm doing
Needing - to get off my couch and get busy
Let me explain my Back to School Must Haves
1. Anything Dr. Seuss - my room is Seuss themed and has been my entire career and I love it but I also love finding new things every summer I search the Target Dollar Spot and the Teacher Store to see what is new. This year I found a site that is going to be damaging to my bank account Seussland.com. Love it!!
2. More desk - I have 23 firsties coming this year I've only ever had 20 in my room!! This might be craziness.
3. Binders for organizing - my goal this year is to be organized. I am so bad at it.
So now it's your turn! Link up and enjoy! Have a great Saturday

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Common Core Math

Today I sat in training on the math common core standards ALL DAY. It was good work but it made for a long day and it sent my mind spinning with lots of new ideas. But I came out with some good resources for y'all (I may be from the north but my heart has always been in the south) and I'm excited to share them. Hopefully you haven't already heard of them all.
1. illustrativemathematics.org - This is offically my new favorite website. I think I finally understand the common core. First off, if you click K-8 standards it gives you this great visual of how the standards are mapped out across grade levels. Then if you click on your grade level it will give you all the standards and if next to the standard it says illustration that means it gives you ideas to use in your classroom!! Amazing!! Also, you can sign up to be a member and review the activities presented which means you'll know when they add new activities. I can't wait to become a member.
2. www.ccsstoolbox.com - This site is from the University of Texas and this group of people who developed the website are the ones writing the prototype questions for the new assessments. If your district doesn't have a scope and sequence for the CC like mine doesn't (we're working on it) then you can click Resources for Implementation and then Sample Scope and Sequence - which will at least give you a framework to start with.
3. insidemathematics.org - this site doesn't have a lot of info for my 1st grade friends but it has sample video lessons and activities to use in the classroom.
Then I also left there with several ideas for using time test that are more student friendly
- have students make it about beating their own time. So you walk around with the stopwatch as they finish you write their time and then they graph it and see if they can get faster.
- have students do it with 2 color pencils. Have them use the 1st color for however long you would have normally tested them for and then have them switch and finish the paper with the other color.
- Have them sort the flash cards for the set of facts you are working on into hard and easy. Then have them practice and see if next week they can put more cards into the easy pile.
Hope you find these helpful. After a few coversations with co-workers today I'm off to research Daily 5 for math and Number Talks - if you use either and have tips please leave me a comment and let me know! I am excited and overwhelmed all at the same time.